Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"On Creativity" with Konstanze of Nodeform

In our blog series "On Creativity" each week we will feature one of our members and their perspectives on keeping their creativity alive. 

This week we are talking to Konstanze of Nodeform

What inspires you?
Everything from twigs and seeds, I pick up on my walks with my dogs, to visual stimulation by images, artwork, movies, music and architecture.

How does your design process work/How do you come up with new ideas?
I never sketch anything. I develop a vague idea in my head. Then I just start with a block of wax and carve away. Sometimes the original idea evolves in something different during the carving process, which is always fascinating. I buy a lot of unique gemstones and use those as a starting point for a new design. Each of them demands their own form and shape around them.

How do you stay motivated?
Positive feedback from peers, friends and customers keeps me energized to always try new things. Seeing my business grow steadily helps a lot.

Do you ever find yourself in a creative rut? If so how do you get out of it?
Not often, I always have so many ideas in my head and never enough time to try them out. The hardest part for me is staying focused on finishing orders of older designs. I have to force myself to wrap them up first before I can get back to whatever new thing sits on my bench.

Do you make other things besides jewelry?
I still work as an architect being involved in large-scale commercial projects. If time permits I try to do home improvement projects around the house. I also love gardening and cooking. 


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Konstanze, I love your idea of the evolution of a design. The ring featured is stunning!

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