Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Etsy Metal Finds

Monday, August 30, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 4 - Hats Off To You!

**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post a link to your challenge creation in this weeks comment area, they will be retrieved as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 8 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. The deadline for guest submissions will be Friday at 6 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts and the new challenge will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Charm Swap 6
"I've been thinking about my charm and I think at the moment I'm leaning towards something critter like, but I'm still playing around. Who knows how they will end up... At any rate, this is my playing so far, made out of vintage flatware"
two days later: "I really think this is what I want to do. I'm having so much fun figuring them out! I think there will a few different designs/animals, with several of each to reach the 22 charms."
There are 3 little holes into which you have to try and get the 3 ballbearings into...not so easy on a concave surface.
This little fella is infact number 1 of 22. He is one inch across exactly (the maximum size allowed for the charms). So far, I have made all 21 of the remaining oxidised copper shells, some are lightly oxidised and some are heavily oxidised, all with the star texture buffed back to clean copper, then waxed to seal. I counted the little teeth on this charm and worked out that I have sawn out well over 900 teeth for the batch, but each charm shape only takes me 3 minutes to saw out, as I am super speedy with a saw. I have 21 more glass bevel discs, 63 more of the teeniest ballbearings you can get (3 per pod) and 21 jump rings made up to the correct gauge. I now need to make a further 21 of the decorative steel inserts (every single one will be different) made by recycling old tins, and set them into the casings, under the glass discs".
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Etsy Metal Finds
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 3: "It's A Party"

Fine silver, sterling silver, blue topaz, peridot, citrine, garnet and amethyst.

tube set sapphire
sterling silver

**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post a link to your challenge creation in this weeks comment area, they will be retrieved as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 8 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. The deadline for guest submissions will be Friday at 6 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts and the new challenge will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Charm Swap 6
I am a bit impatient to see what we will come with.... It must be gorgeous collection of charms!
Sarah Breivis of Juju by Sarah is showing us this week what to wait for !
Sarah: " started working on some "pod" or "bean" charms. I first did one with a pierced out 'cracked' look, but then decided to go with the holes for sanity sake.
I plan on gold plating the charms, then brushing it off , and blackening the exterior. I did this for the first sample, but have not done the plating etc on the one I will be doing."
Can't wait......
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Etsy Metal Finds

Monday, August 16, 2010
WOA: Episode 6: Charm Necklace Listed!
Work of Art Challenge: Episode 8: "Natural Talents"
Bravo TV Aired: Wednesday, August 4th, 2010
The remaining four artists head out of bustling New York City to the quiet refuge of a nature preserve. Here, they are invited to draw inspiration from their surroundings – exploring the landscape and gathering natural materials to incorporate into their piece.
EtsyMetal Jewelry Translation: This week we are asking our members to take a natural element and either use it for inspiration or physically use it in a piece of jewelry!
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 2: "Larger than Life"
Air: 8.5.10
My Lifetime, Thursdays, 9pm PST.
The Project Runway Challenge: The designers were asked to create a look that defines the Marie Claire woman. The winning look will be featured on a "billboard" in Times Square.
EtsyMetal Translation: for this challenge we made mini billboards, we all were asked to use a base of 1 x 2" inches of any material and to then build the piece on or around this rectangle shape!
*see My Lifetime Project Runway Episode 3 VIDEO here.
The Project Runway Challenge: In this episode, the challenge was to design an outfit using party store supplies.
The EtsyMetal Translation: Please make a piece of jewelry that incorporates or is inspired by party store supplies!
**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post your links in this weeks comment area, they will be retrieved as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 8 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. The new deadline for guest submissions will be Friday at 6 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts and the new challenge will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Charm Swap 6
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 1: "And Sew it Begins!"
Air: 7.29.10
My Lifetime, Thursdays, 9pm PST.
The Project Runway Challenge: The designers had to use a garment from another designer's suitcase to create a new look.
For our EtsyMetal Translation: for this challenge we traded scraps and randomly drew names, then we mailed our scraps to another team member and then they created a new fabulous piece of jewelry from it!