"Sterling silver moons that were plated in 24K, then brushed and plated a second time. Then darkened with diluted silver black and brushed with 0000 steel wool."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Cham Swap 6
"Sterling silver moons that were plated in 24K, then brushed and plated a second time. Then darkened with diluted silver black and brushed with 0000 steel wool."
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 8: A Rough Day on the Runway

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cham Swap 6
Monday, September 20, 2010
Next Week: Project Runway season 8: episode 8 - "A Rough Day on the Runway"
Eco-friendly Jewellery Pickle solution.
Here is a dirty copper scrap on the left and a dirty silver scrap on the right. I spattered a bit of flux on them too. After quenching, they both went into the warm eco-pickle for about 10 minutes...
...and came out splendidly clean! I was quite surprised, but for me it could have been a little cleaner. There were very mild blotches that the usual pickle would have removed entirely. I used White Vinegar instead of dark malt for the obvious reason that it's helpful to see your pieces and be able to find them again in your pickle. After about 3 days of using my eco-pickle for several hours a day though, the solution eventually became too dark to see into...
...and didn't do anything like as great a job on cleaning the metal. I diluted it with water then poured it down the drain. I have since learned that disposing of it in this way isn't a good idea, because although the solution itself is safe, the metals that it has become saturated with, have turned it into a solution which is now no-longer eco-friendly. To find out about hazardous waste disposal in your area then look to your local authority for details. If you're in the UK then read here.
Things to consider;
- Brass also cleaned as well as the copper and silver. I have not yet tried gold.
- This solution would be as good in a dish and hotplate as the usual stuff, but I don't know how long the bottle warmer elements will last whilst being subjected to corrosive salt mixed with vinegar. It is normally intended for water into which the bottle of milk is placed.
- A stronger white vinegar such as actual pickling vinegar, might be even more effective at cleaning. It is also cheaper and comes in huge jars...I shall be testing this out.
- A harsher salt such as refined table salt instead of lovely sea salt, may be a more effective salt to add to the vinegar. Again, also cheaper and comes in large quantities....will be getting some to try.
- The smell is actually almost negligible. I was expecting to enter my work shed each day to the waft of a Fish & Chips Shop (and worried that I'd be in a permanent state of desire for fattening chips), but there was no smell. The lid was probably a big factor.
- In winter, my usual pickle freezes solid into fantastical crystals and ice-like sculptures (think, Superman's secret cave where he watches those vid's from his homeworld...). I have no idea if this eco-pickle will hold out any better against the British winter.
- It can be quite eye-watering if you inhale warm vinegar fumes when removing your piece of work.
- You can't just keep topping up the solution, it becomes weaker and darker, so you have to dispose of it somehow.....
I would welcome any comments from those who use some kind of eco-pickle or who have suggestions on the subject.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Charm Swap 6
L. Sue Sezabo - Sue has completed and shipped her lovely charms !
Meg / SimplyMega - Meg has finished her charms- each one unique.
Lynette Andreasen / Asymmetry - Lynette is still playing with her design - it probably be something in this spirit
Ceeb wassermann / Howlindoggie - Ceeb shows her progress
WOW ! These are amazing ! All twenty charms on one bracelet/necklace!!!
I can't wait to see it all together !
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Etsy Metal Finds

Monday, September 13, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 6 - You Can Totally Wear That Again

**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post a link to your challenge creation in this weeks comment area, they will be retrieved as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 8 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. The deadline for guest submissions will be Friday at 6 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts and the new challenge will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Project Runway: Season 8: Episode 5 - There is an "I" in Team
Brass military dog tags, hand-drawn leopard print etching, silver ball chain.

copper discs with lots 'o torch fired enamel

You Can Totally Wear That Again
**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post a link to your challenge creation in this weeks comment area, they will be retrieved as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 8 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. The deadline for guest submissions will be Friday at 6 pm, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts and the new challenge will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.
Studio Songs - What we're listening to while we work
The Heavy
Elliot Smith
The Velvet Underground
Deer Tick
Noah and the Whale
The Mynabirds
Furry Lewis
She and Him
Dave Matthews Band
With a larger group comes more diverse music selections, and I love hearing what other people are listening to. When I shared a studio with other artists, some one new would pick what cd we'd listen to - now that most of us work on our own, we don't get that chance as much. But this is a nice substitute! Enjoy!