I’m collecting stories of love as an extension of my 'Like Wearing a Love Letter' Series. Select stories may be used in Love Letter pieces (A few more photos here while others will be present in my show upcoming solo show ‘Like Wearing a Love Letter’. I'm looking for the wide range of love: platonic, passionate, bitter, pure, joyous, brief, long-term, deep, shallow, etc. Love of a partner, a vocation, an idea. I want a collection of stories of love.
To put the stories into a sociological perspective I'm asking for a bit of biographical info (as below) to accompany the story. Deadline Feb 14th 2008.
SHARE YOUR LOVE (working title)
1) Name (very, very optional) or Initials (also optional):
2) Sex (m/f):
3) Age:
4) Country:
5) Title: (can be a sentence long- I'm thinking of this as a summary)
Story (a few lines to a couple paragraphs):
To submit email info(at) with the subject line 'Share Your Love'.
Info about artist here- Colleen Baran , Resume and blog seeseebe .