Sunday, November 27, 2011
Work Of Art - Season 2 Episode 6–“Street Dealers”
The artists are challenged to leave their mark on New York with a work that embodies the subversion of street art.
Submit challenge entries by midnight Nov. 23.
I think that says it all. Use street art as your muse. Have fun and don't do anything to get yourselves arrested on this one.
I saw this as a great opportunity to make my son a pair of earrings he had designed about 6 months ago. He has done his share of street art, so he wanted me to make him the nozzles off of a spray paint can. With some bling in the spray hole. Well, I kept putting it off because the whole thing seemed very complicated to me. So when the work of art challenge was street art, I felt it could motivate me to make them.
They are on ss posts that you can't see in this picture. And figuring out the order to do things was also very interesting... melted a few posts along the way. They have faceted swarovski crystals in the spray hole.
So my son came home last night and I showed him the earrings. He liked them, but he told me what he really wanted was something flat, so you could see the top and the arrow, with the stone set in. Well, of course I didn't know that and went the whole way of constructing spray paint nozzles in 3-d!”
“I love doing street photography. I used to go out day and night with my pro camera and shoot. I love especially doing night photography.
This one I made in Tel Aviv, in an old neighborhood called “Neve Tzedek” (means Abode of Justice) very special place with lots of Art. The turquoise tongues reminds me this picture I took few years ago and were inserted to be part of this picture”
Episode 7: La Dolce Arte
Premiere: November 30, 2011
The artists must utilize one automobile component from a Fiat 500 and transform it into a piece of art.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
What’s New–This week in our shops
Wonderful new collection in our shops just for you :-)
Enjoy !
victoria takahashi/experimetal aroluna
evemmetalsmith lsueszabo
Danielle Miller Panicmama Jewelry
Sudlow Rebecca Bogan
Jen Lawler Lichen and Lychee
2Roses rubygirl
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Ask Auntie EM - Where do EtsyMetal members teach?
This week's question comes from an Anonymous reader:
I was wondering if any Etsy Metal artists ever take on apprentices? I think it would be cool/interesting if a part of the website or blog was dedicated to people in Etsy Metal who wouldn't mind taking on an apprentice (paid/unpaid whichever). Or if any of them teach classes, I would be interested in that as well.Well, anonymous, ask and you shall receive! It turns out that SEVERAL of our members teach classes around the country and some are seeking apprentices.
Michele Grady has been teaching silver smithing classes and wire working workshops at Creative Genius Art Gallery & Studio in Medford, NJ for the past 7 years. In Feb 2012 she will be teaching a new workshop along with gallery owner Julie Basello-Holt called "Fine Crafts 101". This is both the artist and gallery owner perspective on how to get started selling your work.
To see what classes/workshops are curently being offered:
Michele would love to take on a part time apprentice to help her with the classes/workshops, shows and some of my every day studio work/business. If interested and qualified, you can contact Michele at
Rachael Sudlow teaches weekly classes at the Lawrence Arts Center here in Lawrence, KS. Rachael has one studio assistant who usually helps out, and often mentors the more advanced students one on one in class.
In the Chicago area? Alisa Miller teaches at Lill Street Art Center in Chicago. For the interim winter quarter, she is teaching a beginning class about making pendants. Starting in January, she will be teaching Beginning metalsmithing, a found object jewelry class, and a class about decorative rivets.
Mark Kaplan lives in Providence, RI and recently taught at class at The East Providence Public Library, Riverside Branch on "Selling your Artwork on Etsy". This class was open to anyone wishing to open and run a shop on Etsy. Mark is now mentoring several of his students on the in's and out's of selling on Etsy. If you're in the Providence area and would like to attend one of Mark's lectures, please contact Mark through his Etsy shop.
Caitlyn Davey is located in upstate NY (Delaware County, town of Hamden).
She is currently accepting students for one on one metalsmithing classes in her studio. (soldering, piercing, other hand tools) and will be offering casting lessons or a class next spring. Please contact Caitlyn through her Etsy shop.
Lastly, one of our members, Kerin Rose, pointed us in the direction of this wonderful website:
that hooks up potential apprentices with a mentor in their area. It's an excellent resource for those who aren't fortunate enough to live in the same city as an EtsyMetal member who teaches!
So, there you have it! I will continue to update this post with more information as it becomes available.
No EtsyMetal member in your area? Never fear, there are lots of local fine jewelry stores that will take on apprentices. Look for jewelry stores who do all their repair on site and don't expect to start out at the bench right away. In most cases, you will start at the bottom of the ladder, probably as a polisher. Your pay will be terrible and the work isn't much better. Never fear, however, because you will learn so much and, soon, you will be at the bench learning all kinds of new stuff! And, you'll be a crack polisher!
No jewelry stores hiring in your area? Try local art centers and community colleges. Many still teach metalsmithing courses. None of them either? You can always turn to YouTube, which is an excellent resource for metalworking videos. Our own blog has a section for tutorials that can be very helpful as well. If worse comes to worse, you can always travel to attend classes at Penland, Haystack, Arrowmont or any of a number of schools that teach Fine Craft. Metalsmith magazine is a good resource for finding a school like this in your area.
Thanks for asking, Anonymous!! Do YOU have a question? Please email your question to Too shy to ask in comments? We can also contact Auntie EM through Sue Szabo's Etsy shop or Ann Hartley's Etsy shop!
Thanks for checking in this week! We'll see you back here next Tuesday. Maybe we will answer your question next week!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Work Of Art–Season 2 Episode 5–“Ripped from the Headlines”
The artists must create a piece of art that illustrates a headline which strikes a cord with them.
Hmmm. 19 kids and counting prego again or fumbling Rick Perry?
“I don’t really like to reading news papers anymore. All headlines make me so sad – almost every headlines are bad news. in addition, they are more political and more yellow than ever. I really don’t like to read the News but I like reading good articles with good writing.
I’ve decided to make my own headlines.
“No New = Good News” and I think it say all.
I choose to add 7 pearls to the sheet of newspaper cut from fine silver.
Why 7 pearls?
Cause - 7 Is a lucky number.
Why pearls?
There is a phrase in Hebrew that in translation is “pearls of language“ in a way it’s like “pearls of wisdom”. For me the pearls symbolize the reach of language which is missing recently.”
Growing up in Ohio in the 60's and 70's, this struck a chord with me. It reminded me of the shootings at Kent State. Maybe the phrase "full riot gear" specifically. And how we have to be careful that these rights aren't taken away and turned into a violent power struggle.
My piece is a pendant done in the style of Robert Indiana's famous LOVE poster and sculpture from the 60's. 'Freedom' was pierced out copper and enameled red with a sugar coating. Sandwiched in-between a copper enameled background of green and blue and fused copper wire resembling a jail cell.”
I chose an article on the Occupy Movement, which seems to be spreading against the odds with cold whether coming and evictions from their campsites. So here's a pendant made of copper with a hemp necklace. It states OCCUPY with some words exemplifying where they are and what they are up to: ME, Wall St., L.A.,, University, London, NYC, Oakland, 99%, Camp, Movement are words around the edge. The back just has a circle or "O".”
EU introduces ban while danger of X-ray machines is fully assessed
Yup. These are the scanners that we go through regularly here in the states. Comforting. I read this and immediately had a personal connection to the story. My husband flies several times a month for work. He hates these things. He almost missed a flight to a business meeting because he was arguing with the TSA agent about his choice to get scanned or groped. I hate that the safety of the radiation level is still undetermined and my husband goes through a machine up to eight times a month!
I thought that cuffs were appropriate. I thought of cuffs as actually being a symbol with dual meanings. First, as a symbol of the helplessness I feel when I travel to have to be put through something that I absolutely do not believe in. And, second, as a symbol of strength (like Wonder Woman) to endure and fight back.”
Premiere: November 16, 2011
The artists are challenged to leave their mark on New York with a work that embodies the subversion of street art.
Submit challenge entries by midnight Nov. 23.
I think that says it all. Use street art as your muse. Have fun and don't do anything to get yourselves arrested on this one.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
“What’s New”– This week in our shops
Visit our shops, we have much more to offer !
Enjoy :-)
Aroluna e5jewelry
LSueSzabo Nina Gibson Designs
Cynthia Del Giudice Rebecca Bogan
SCJJewelryDesign Nodeform Weddings
Danielle Miller Shae Freeman
Michele Grady Designs Panicmama Jewelry
betsybensen SCJJewelryDesign
Beth Cyr LivelyHood
Friday, November 18, 2011
Project Accessory Season 1~ Challenge 3 "Bling It On!"
Season 1~Episode 3
Aired 11/10/11, 10pm/9pm cst
View full episodes here:
Project Accessory Challenge
The designers were given a bodysuit that they need to make accessories for that made the bodysuit into a wearable outfit. Hot pink, magenta, baby blue, white and black were the colors. They were able to shop at Mood for materials for the challenge and use anything off of the Swarovski elements wall.
EtsyMetal Challenge
Create a statement piece of jewelry that would compliment one of the bodysuits. It can be a ring, bracelet, earrings, necklace, belt, anklet or whatever you know will make a statement. Make it bold and exciting!
Here are the creations:
Kira Ferrer
Panicmama Jewelry

Season 1~Episode 4
Aired 11/17/11, 10pm/9pm cst
View full episodes here:
Project Accessory Challenge
The designers were given a box with the contents of someones handbag. They were challenged to create something that everything would fit into and match the clients contents. They were able to shop at Mood for materials for the challenge and use anything off of the Swarovski elements wall. As a extra layer to the challenge, they were to make an accessory out of the clients old handbag in less than two hours left to the challenge.
EtsyMetal Challenge
Create a piece of jewelry that would compliment a handbag in your closet, one you lust after from that famous designer or one that you wear everyday! It can be a ring, bracelet, earrings, necklace, belt, anklet...shall I say as an extra twist: it must incorporate LEATHER (or pleather for the vegans!!) Post pictures of your inspiration and the finished piece if you can.
Now go be creative!
Submissions due: 12 midnight pst Next Thursday, 11/25/11.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Charm Swap 9 Update

1. Copper Flower with Dotted Center Charm by wildflowerdesigns
2. Stitched World Charm by ReaganHayhurst
3. Year of the Rabbit Charm by rubygirl
4. Brass Coral Charm by iacua
5. Captured Amulet Charm by citizenobjects
6. Honey Bee Charm by KiraFerrer
7. Butterfly Charm by lsueszabo
8. Lace Applique Charm by NinaGibsonDesigns
9. EtsyMetal Charm Swap 7 bracelet
Whether you are looking for a individual charm for a stocking stuffer or a real show-stopper charm bracelet for your sweetheart, the EtsyMetal shop is a great place to shop this holiday season.
Until next time...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Ask Auntie EM

By now we hope you have heard about the new weekly blog post called "Ask Auntie EM". Ann Hartley of Hartleystudio and, Sue Szabo of lsueszabo , will be answering YOUR questions in a weekly post we are calling "Ask Auntie EM". EtsyMetal has over 100 members with vast amounts of knowledge and far reaching interests and capabilities. We figured if we couldn't answer your questions...someone on the team could! "What can we ask?" Great question! Ask anything! Metalsmithing, enameling, raising, stone setting, cooking, childcare, got a question, we probably have an answer! Email your questions to and YOUR question might get answered next week!
This week's question came from LauraAHHH-
I have two questions for a future post. I'm not sure if the first will count since it's something I've run into with jewelry making but not having to do with metal! Anyways, I was wondering if you could possibly do a post on drilling. My specific problem, is I want to drill holes in some antler tips, but the surface is smooth, and the tips are round, so the drill bit skips. I'm not sure what is best to use to create a pilot hole. I'm also not sure if my Dremel Stylus is good to use (since it has variable speeds and I don't own a flex shaft) or if I should actually look for a hand drill. I've also wondered about drilling glass and porcelain.
My second question, is what can you use to seal acrylic paint on metal? Is a clear acrylic seal my only option?
Well LauraAHHH-
We said ask us anything........ so here goes. Let's tackle the sealer question first. There are several options here to seal paint or patinas on metals. You can use spray-on clear acrylic sealers either in a matte or a shiny finish. Krylon makes a good one. The trick to using these is VERY light coats but several of them. If I am sealing paint or prismacolor, I use 5 coats of light Krylon matte sealer. If you do very light coats, it will not be drippy and should not even be visible. Another sealer I like alot is Renaissance Wax (Restoration Hardware has it). This is a museum-quality petroleum based wax that is very nice and durable. I take a bit on a soft cloth and coat the piece. After about 20 mins. of drying time, I buff it off. I usually do at least 3 coats. You can also do this with Johnson's paste wax or even warmed beeswax although I personally like Ren Wax better. I have pieces I sealed with it over 4 yrs ago that are still perfect and I seal all my forged steel pieces this way. Whatever wax sealer you use, you will periodically need to re-apply it as it will wear off over time. If your pieces will get alot of friction from wear, I would err on the side of over-sealing it. If the pieces will not be worn or if friction is minimal (like earrings for example), then a couple coats of sealer will do.
Now, as for the drilling-
I have done some drilling on bones, ivory, porcelain and other alternative materials. I have not done as much as Victoria Takahashi from Experimental who uses these alternative materials often. I decided to ask her for any tips. As it turns out, we both do the exact same thing so I am confident in giving you these tips. For smooth materials such as antler or bone, we take a sharp pointy steel instrument (I use a scribe) and twist a divot in by hand. This will function as if we used a center punch to keep the drill bit from skipping when starting to drill the hole. From there, just drill as usual. Here is an example of my snake bone earrings that I did just this way-
I drill pebbles, glass, and porcelain with diamond drill bits (not the standard steel ones) and UNDER WATER. This is critical as it will help the piece not to overheat and it will also wash the debris out of the hole while you are drilling it. The trick to this is to go slow and back the bit out of the hole frequently to allow the debris to clear. A flex shaft is so important for this because it allows for variable drill speed as well as superb control. LauraAHHH, I would use your dremel over a hand drill for this if those are my only 2 options. I would strongly recommend you purchasing a flex shaft if you plan to do any significant work along these lines.
As with all drilling, don't forget to wear a dust mask and eye protection.
Victoria of Experimental has graciously provided this link to a tutorial she did with Ashley Akers on drilling beach pebbles. Enjoy!
Until next week, happy metalsmithing!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Work Of Art–Season 2, episode 4–“Back to school”
Premiere: November 2, 2011
The artists are challenged to create a piece of art inspired by the original artwork of the child they are paired with.
Premiere: November 9, 2011
The artists must create a piece of art that illustrates a headline which strikes a cord with them.
Hmmm. 19 kids and counting prego again or fumbling Rick Perry?
Pick your favorite headline and have in it by midnight Nov. 16th.
Friday, November 11, 2011
“What’s New”–Fresh from our shops
New jewelry in our shops for this week.
L.SueSzabo Jen Lawler
Michele Grady Designs Panicmama Jewelry
Rebecca Bogan Inbar Bareket
citizenobjects Kirsten Denbow
Nodeform simplymega
NRjewellerydesign Betsy Bensen
Quercus Silver Victoria Takahashi/Experimetal
LivelyHood Nina Gibson Designs
See you again in "What's New" next Saturday !