Shannon Conrad, the metalsmith behind Ruby Girl, is a wonderful artist and metalsmith, and is always helpful in the Etsy Metal community. Her work incorporates stones and vintage finds with a variety of metals, as well as enameling, which results in a colorful array of objects. You can find more of her work in her
Etsy Shop.
1. Where do you live, and where are you from?I live in beautiful Portland, OR and can't imagine ever wanting to live anywhere else! I grew up in a tiny town on the Oregon coast and escaped to the "big city" as soon as I graduated from high school.
2. How did you get started working with metal?I started working with metal just over 3 years ago out of sheer boredom. No, really! I was working full-time as the Acquisitions Manager for a library wholesaler (exciting!). When I was not working, I was home being a wife and a mother of two. I needed something that was all about me. I had done some beading, but was bored with it. I started hunting and found an adult education metalsmithing class through one of the local community colleges. I still remember how I felt when I picked up the torch for the first time. At 34 years old, I knew that I had finally found what I wanted to do with my life.
3. What are a few of your favorite pieces at the moment?I love, love the enameled filigree I have been working on! I really enjoy reworking vintage componants and giving them new life. I love the idea of a vintage piece re-made into something super-modern. Like Victorian filigree enameled in lipstick red.
My absolute favorite piece at the moment is the ring I made for Etsy Metal's Secret Santa exchange. Taking that piece from a vague idea into reality was very inspiring for me. It has triggered a ton of ideas. You can expect to see more pieces with layers of sterling and enamel in my shop in the new year!
4. What inspires you (artists, objects, interests)?I find most of my inspiration in my materials. When I am ready to start a new project and need ideas, I will often just sift through my collection of beads and cabochons and the ideas start to flow. I love all aspects of hand-fabricating a piece from sheet and wire - making something from nothing. Often my original idea will morph as I go along. A finished piece may not end up looking anything like I originally planned.
5. Do you have any other artistic interests?Over the years, I have dabbled in many "crafty" hobbies. I crochet. I have made candles and soaps. Nothing has held my interest like metal has.