Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to Charm Swap 8!

Hi my name is Michele Grady and both Victoria Takahashi and I will be hosting/curating the next EtsyMetal Charm Swap.  This will be the 8th charm swap for the group but the first one for me since I only became a member in Jan 2011. I am very excited to be involved with this project and I can’t wait to get started on my charms and to see what the others will be making! For those of you who do not know what this is all about, here is how it works….

We have a sign up list for EtsyMetal members who would like to participate. We limit the number of participants to 20 and each person has to make 22 charms. 20 of those charms are swapped among the other members on the list, with 2 charms left over from each participant (for a total of 40 left overs). 20 of the left over charms are made into a completed charm bracelet and will be available for sale in our EtsyMetal Team Shop along with the 20 extra individual charms. Half of the proceeds collected upon the sale of the bracelet will go towards our EtsyMetal Youth Outreach Program. EtsyMetal will donate 50% to the curator’s choice of a Youth Art Organization (which is still TBA).

Charm Swap 8 starts this month and will continue through September 2011 so please check back periodically as I will be posting about the progress of the charm swap and giving sneak peaks into what is going on in the participants’ studios.

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