Friday, April 16, 2010

New Members: purifiedart and evemmetalsmtih


Bill Martin of purifiedart: "My mind creates, the body accentuates.
In the material space, my art objects are reproductions of my imagination — My mind uses the body as an organism to materialize constantly changing ideas, patterns, and emotions.

Educated at Tyler school of art, continuing as self taught and inspired by many wonderful metal artists throughout the world. I am in the Philadelphia area currently concentrating on functional / wearable art and mixed metals.

My work is described as future/primitive…
I like ancient but need change, tattered but strive for perfected craftsmanship… bold but am continually humbled.

Come visit me online! Anytime!"


Ester Eve of evemmetalsmith: "When I was a little girl, I would wander around outside and collect interesting rocks and rusty bits of scrap metal and stow them away in my pockets. Nothing much has changed really, except now I have an inkling of what to do with them.

I have always been fascinated with metal, and its cold, sharp hardness. A few years ago I decided to further my knowledge and take a beginning silversmithing class, and since then I have collected tools and successfully built up my personal studio space. I love to mix incredible stones with gorgeous sterling silver, the combinations are endless. Also, experimenting with new techniques such as electroforming, etching, and other various patination concepts is a huge passion of mine. I carry a sketch book everywhere I go, as I am constantly inspired and moved to creativity by the many incredible nuances of beauty and strangeness in this world.

Ultimately, I am living my dream of doing something I love...working with my hands and having the ability to expend my creativity into something that others can appreciate and fall in love with for years to come!"

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