Friday, March 19, 2010

New Members: Maria Goti and Erga

Etsy is having a Euro invasion this next week - highlighting fabulous European shops. As part of our weekly mini features for our new members, we kept with that theme and are featuring two of our many new international members: mariagotijoyas from Spain and erga from Israel.

Maria Goti

Maria Goti: All the pieces I create are designed and handmade by me. I love improvising with metal and making one of a kind jewels with unique stones. I enjoy trying new techniques, textures and finishes and if I could I would never repeat a piece as I easily get bored when I have to do the same pieces many times. Because of that I try to design and make new collections quite often. Sometimes I feel a little bit frustrated as I don't have time enough for making real all the ideas I have boiling in my head.
My favorite in textured silver with an oxidized finish. I love the contrast that it makes with gold, polished silver or stones.

Todas las piezas que creo están diseñadas y llevadas a cabo a mano por mi. Me encanta improvisar con el metal y crear piezas únicas con piedras especiales. Disfruto probando nuevas técnicas, texturas y acabados. Si pudiera nunca repetiría una mismas pieza ya que enseguida me canso de hacer las mismas piezas una y otra vez. Por esto procuro incluir nuevas colecciones a menudo. A veces me siento un poco frustrada por no tener el tiempo suficiente para realizar todas las ideas que se cuecen en mi cabeza.
Mi preferida es la plata texturizada con acabado en óxido. Me encanta el contraste que produce con el oro, la plata pulida o las piedras.


Erga: I have always loved metals and stones. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by the treasures that mother earth supplies us with. Only recently did I pick up a tool box, and begin working with metal. It was like coming home, at last. After years of working in front of a computer, creating virtual products that provide virtual services, creating a tangible product with my own two hands has a particularly sweet reward.

I love the technical challenges of metalsmithing. I enjoy resolving the tension between form and function. I get a thrill from using ancient techniques, to create wearable art, which could still be in use hundreds of years from now.

My designs tend towards the geometric, though I'll accept influence from anything visually pleasing. The tools and materials often guide me in a given direction, and often I see jewelry in my dreams, or in those minutes between sleep and consciousness.

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