Friday, January 29, 2010

ETSYMETAL Jewelry Challenge: Project Runway Season 7.3 "The Met"

For those of you who are just stopping in for a peek, EtsyMetal is holding a fun freestyle Jewelry Challenge that is coinciding with Project Runway episodes. Every weekend we will post the video link of the latest PR challenge, then we will post all the submissions from the previous weeks challenge, and also give the next weeks "theme."

WELCOME to the reveal of last weeks Episode 2 Burlap entries!
Below are our "13" EtsyMetal Team entries AND "one" guest submission!
Last weeks TV challenge was all about burlap, so we asked the designers to make a piece of jewelry using Burlap as the inspiration and/or material, and this is what they came up with!

Shannon says, "Sandcast burlap (in bronze!), sterling caps, mixed metal chain."

Mike says, "Cilice Ring - The wearer can grasp the top of the ring and twist from side to side abrading the skin with the burlap. A cilice (pronounced /ˈsɪlɨs/) was originally a garment or undergarment made of coarse cloth or animal hair (a hairshirt) used in some religious traditions to induce some degree of discomfort or pain as a sign of repentance and atonement. In more modern religious circles, the word has come to simply mean any device worn for the same purposes. (from Wikipedia)"

Sara says, "This piece is a size that is difficult for me to take good pictures with on my camera. It is a brooch and it also has a hidden bail for wearing as a necklace too. I domed it using my new sandbag and some hammers. The texture is burlap. I had some ideas to use the strands, but I changed my idea in the middle. "

Beth says, "in the end, i'm quite happy with it!
two layers of organic vine, thread and burlap"

Norsola says, "for some reason the theme 'burlap' makes me fixate on the bags I get my basmati rice in...
so I made a burlap textured rice box ring... (and a necklace wich inlcudes two tinkling boxes) inside the box, there's a bunch of grains of rice, which make a sweet tinkly sound... if you shake hard enough, you can get a grain to fall out of the hole... one could also add more rice and see how that affects the sound... so it's interactive too! hours of fun...

Nina says, "I was pretty lost as to what to do and I really loved Mila's dress,  so I decided to use that as inspiration. Sterling silver, copper, burlap, patina."

VIctoria says, "This was another toughie for me. I am not all that attracted to this material. I first tried to make dyed Kanzashi flowers and the burlap proved to be too thick for the look of the flower. So with little time to spare and fierce determination to finish, I squeeked out some earrings which I will now affectionately call Raggedy Ann earrings."

Rachel says, "Gilded Burlap & Copper with a Heat Patina"

Kira says, "I tried to juxtapose the raw roughness of burlap with a more ornate border."

Nina says, "For the Burlap challenge, Victoria Sent me a piece of burlap (Thank you! :)), which was woven rather tightly, so I had to remove some of the warp and weft in order to get a more open weave to fit the strips of sterling silver into place. Once I figured out how to do that it worked great. The burlap/silver piece is riveted to copper which was roller printed with metal screening on the back."

Stacey says, "burlap.....i HATE burlap!!!!
i really do not like alternative materials challenges.
i like my metal and stone.
i don't want to use burlap or teeth or pleather.
i wanted to keep the burlap looking like burlap, but make something that still fit my style."

Mark says, "I really like the smell of burlap.....
it reminds me of hay and barns and horseback riding....."

13-Thomasin Durgin
Tomi says, "burlap and fabric stiffener, burned."


Now meet our “one” GUEST Designer entry this week!
I just want to add that it is a pleasure to see and have guests join in on this challenge, we love to meet new people and see wonderful new work, thank you for playing with us!

Jo says, "After spending three days finding burlap (*not* easy in the middle of a city), I roller printed the texture onto silver to create this charm. I'm amazed by how topographical the texture is. The closer you look, the more you can see the details of the fibers. This is the first time I've roller printed a texture onto metal, and I think it has real potential. I find myself looking sideways at all sorts of things, thinking "how would that look if I squashed it into some silver?"

**guidelines for guest participants:**
Please read this every week as there may be small updates and changes. The pieces you submit must be pieces that are made specifically for that weeks challenge. Then post your links in this weeks comment area, I will retrieve them as they come in before the deadline.
*We only are accepting guest submissions from our blog comment area at this time, insert your links there. Then please cross-post this to your Blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. And tag them with "Project Runway Season 7 Episode 3." Currently we will post your name with a link and a picture of your piece on our blog. Remember, the rigid deadline for submitting your link is always on Fridays, 12 noon, Pacific Standard Time. The new blog posts will go up the weekend after the new episode airs.

Episode 3: The Metropolitan Museum of Art!
This is a very exciting challenge! We are asking that you browse around the infamous “Met” a piece of art that inspires you, and then make your own personal interpretation of a classic piece from anywhere in their archives, it could be a past or present exhibit or something from their permanent collection. Click here to go the Met!
***EXTRA assignment: IF you feel inspired add a production piece if you have time, something simple that is inspired by YOUR Met piece. ***

Have fun and we will see you next week, we are very much looking forward to seeing all your creations!
*click here to watch Episode 3: MyLifetime full video!

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