Friday, September 4, 2009

The Next Etsy Metal Jewelry Challenge: Project Runway Season 6-Episode 3: "Surf Wear"

Here are our fabulous "ten" EtsyMetal participant entries from last weeks'
"Pregnancy" theme!
For those of you who are just stopping in for a peek, EtsyMetal is holding a fun freestyle Jewelry Challenge that is coinciding with Project Runway episodes.
Every Friday we will post the video snippet (see bottom of this post) of the new PR show. We will also post all the submissions from the previous weeks challenge. Anyone is welcome to play along with us. Just post your link of your piece in the comment box and then we will post your links in the next weeks EMJC-PR reveal post.

*A special note to 'non-team members' that are joining in:
We are so glad to have you be a part of our challenge!

The pieces you submit should be pieces that are made specifically for the weeks show.

If you decide to join the game then please remember to cross-post this to your blog, Flickr, Etsy, etc. Also please tag the photos this week with "EMJC-PR6.3-Surf Wear."

I see that last week we have some new players so I will be listing those today, here :)
*Deadline: Fridays 12 pm PST*

#1~ Kathryn Reichert "New Life"
Our first team member entry made it in early!

Kathryn says, "You can wear it long to drape to the top of the pregnant belly (the chain is 32" long). There is no clasp for swollen fingers to have to fiddle with. Or if you want to draw the attention a bit higher, you can use this handmade s-hook to double it and wear it like this.

The materials are sterling silver, patina, goldfill, freshwater pearls, peridot, and apatite. This necklace would fit into my Renewed Collection which uses tree rings as a metaphor for regrowth, rebirth, and new life. Pregnancy fit nicely into that concept, so I decided to make something using elements from the collection. There is one bird's nest with 3 eggs on the necklace. Also, the scattered larger freshwater pearls are egg shaped. The peridot and apatite chips mimic leaf shapes and are scattered throughout the chain. The green and blue give the impression of looking through green leaves and into a blue sky.

#2~ Amanda Conley
Amanda says, "It's an Sterling Silver and Peridot initial necklace with the birthstone in the center of the flower. I used "e" because it is the initial of two of my children."

#3~ Shannon Conrad "Americauna"
Shannon says, "I love the necklace of feathers on my chicken Honey Bunny. I wanted to try to translate that in metal. So this is my ode to Malvin and his chicken suit. Handcut copper "feather" links., each has been formed and then enameled with 3 different colors as well as a white stringer. The enamel was then etched to make it matte. I am actually pretty pleased with this one. The "feathers" were cut with a tab on one side and a hole on the other. Each one links to the next - no jumprings or anything. It acually makes it lay really nicely on the neck."

#4~ Victoria Takahashi "Fertility Basket"
"I have been using these PR jewelry challenges to spark my creativity. Its been a fantastic catalyst and motivational tool, and a way to make me think and implement old and new ideas. Bringing favorite techniques back to life has been so satisfying for me....

This piece is all fabricated out of Mild Steel and Sterling Silver and Quail eggs.

It is a homage to Malvin, another designers' Designer, just like James-Paul was. I was VERY sad to see them both go. But I predict here and now that, Marvin will come back and play in this season again! To see more of my older PR pieces please take a peek here."

#5~ Sara Westermark "Mothers Web"

Sara worked hard to ge this beautiful structural cuff done, and I sing her praises as she had a injury and she STILL managed to complete her project! Now I say that is

dedication and determination! Materials are Sterling Silver and Topaz.

#6~ Nina Dinoff (blogged)

Nina says, "I wanted to do something that really worked for a pregnant woman. The first thing that came to mind for me was that women's fingers expand and they can no longer wear their rings. So this is a ring that expands from a size 5 to a size 6."

#7~ Nina Gibson (blogged)

Nina says, "Week 2 of the Project Runway Challenge was tricky! I mean from the standpoint of jewelry, the needs of pregnant women are mostly the same as those who are not. We all want great jewelry! When I designed my piece, I thought I was going to do something totally different. The oval back plate is, of coarse the belly, and the U wire that becomes the necklace bale is very fallopian looking. I added four fine silver dots as well, which can be customized to represent the number of people in one's family. The feeling I really was going for is the heaviness of pregnancy and the support needed. That "fallopian" line is lifting and supporting. I am pleased with how it turned out and although it may represent pregnancy, it can be worn without any reference to fertility at all as just plain adornment."

#8~ Sophie Wiggins

Sophie says, "I designed a piece of jewellery for an expectant mother...the Peridot is because it is supposed to confer ease in childbirth (um, as I recall, NOTHING would have made that easy, so maybe I should have worn peridot!)this is modelled after primitive european jewellery, deliberately - having children is as primitive as it gets, and it's also about creation, so it was supposed to have a priestessy feel. It's deliberately asymmetric, too, just because my bump stuck out more on one side than the other, both yes, that sums up pregnancy for me - wonky and primal. And I couldn't wear rings when I was pregnant, bracelets bugged and drew attention to my revolting swollen hands, and I liked wearing necklaces above the suddenly ludicrously oversized boobs and belly. I know. TMI.

Beth says, "My goal - to make things that fit the challenge but are pieces that will fit w/ my collections too! My piece is fused Sterling Silver - my organic vine pattern that I created a 'ball' out of. It also reminds me of a birdcage. I filled it with these gorgeous yellow flowers - 4 o'clocks. They don't bloom during most of the day and when they are closed up, the rather look like scrambled eggs - or just plain scrambled egg yolks. The chain is all handmade fused Argentium Sterling Silver also. There is no clasp - so it is super easy to just slide right over your head! A little symbolism w/ a little practicality."

#10~ Cynthia Del Giudice

Our final entry is a beautiful hand fabricated Copper and Sterling Silver pendant. It hangs from a handmade Sterling Silver chain. I love the organic feel of this necklace and I love the womb interpretation.

We are proud to say we have 2 guest entries this week!

Jaime Pickering "Gaurdian Lariat Necklace"
Jamie says, "I think any woman in the throws of pregnancy can appreciate a piece of jewellery that adjusts to fit their mood or body. The wings and pearl are symbolic to a mother protecting its child - something any mommy can understand!"

Tiffany Nelson "Motherhood Necklace"
Tiffany says, "A sterling silver hand cut design especially for the expectant mother. A stylized pregnant silhouette along with a hand set moonstone cabachon represent the bond developing between mother and child."

Now for Episode 3: Jewelry Challenge-Video snippet

"Surf Wear"

"OK Designers" this weeks challenge is a bout Surf Wear. The actual challenge is:
"to create a fun and fashionable Surf Wear look".

Tim says, "it's critical to infuse your point of view and personal style into this challenge." Also, if you are feeling super motivated, there was an extra added bit to their challenge, it was to design a Avant Garde interpreted Surf Wear piece. OR maybe you'd rather just make the Avant Garde piece, make one OR perhaps both!?

It's all up to you designers!
So, here are some ideas that were thrown out to help design a piece around this weeks episode.
"sun, surf, beach, color, california surf icons, water, sand, bathing suits, surf culture,youth..."

But as always, these challenges will be purely for fun, there will be no winner or losers. They are simply our own interpretations on the weeks subject. So ultimately do whatever you feel is appropriate.
"Carry on designers!"


Amanda said...

Ooooo i made one!

everyone did an amazing job!

here's mine!
i wasn't quite sure where to
post it.

Beth Cyr said...

wow! manda, that is gorgeous! perfect place to post :) thanks for joining us!!

Victoria Takahashi said...

hi Manda that is absolutely beautiful! You make wonderful things!

So now, this is the place to post links for weeks show "Surf Wear."

And please read above for the guidelines.
Surf Wear pieces are due by 12 noon Friday the 11th PST.

Amanda said...

Awww thanks guys!!!

awesome, ill post here for
my entry for next week!

this is so much fun!

Kerrie said...

Hi All,
I think you guys are amazing. These jewelry challenges are so great in motivating people to make more jewelry. Also, I think it's good to have some guidelines in making a piece of jewelry.
Hopefully, when I start making some jewelry pieces again. I will be able to share my work with you all.

Have a great day!

Caitlin said...

These pieces are really inspiring.

Victoria Takahashi said...

ok peeps tommorow noon PST is our deadline to post your "Surf Wear inspired jewelry" links here, we will post them up on our blog. But please don't forget to read our specs on this challenge for us to post your links.
"thanks !!!"
We look foraward to seeing you join us :)

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