Monday, June 22, 2009

Time Saving Tips - Get Organized

I like to be super organized to combat my severe right brain-ed-ness. But alas, I fall short most of the time. I feel sure that if could organize things just right I would save oh, so much time in my studio. No more time wasted searching...searching...searching...

That's my studio, by the way - Oh, to shame...

I asked members of the EM team to show me their favorite methods for organizing their space and many of their ideas gave me tons of ideas for my studio (which is in need of a major overhaul.)

Storage - Clare Stoker/Stamp

A major part of organizing any studio space is storage. You can find great basic storage bins here, here, here and here....oh, and here.

Or try finding more unique things to store all your bits and pieces:

Nina Gibson's card catalog storage system

Here are some more unconventional storage solutions:

Next time we'll talk about specific solutions for storing tools, wire, sandpaper and more. Stay tuned...

Contributors: Bijougirl Designs, Nina Dinoff, Stamp, Kathryn Riechert, ESDesigns, DuckDuckGoose, Cynthia DelGiudice, Sudlow, Maggie J, Bloom Studios, Nina Gibson Designs


kerin rose said...

oh my, you all put me to shame!...I think I need to hire a professional! ....the problem for me is all the little bits and pieces!

Maureen Bz said...

I like to use a big kitchen magnet strip (the ones for knife storage) to store my chasing tools- it's super handy, and looks great too- see a pic of this on my flickr account at

frill.friend said...

well ... there are some people that spend all their time organizing and cleaning up ... and there are others that create - which is really another way of "organizing" thoughts and ideas.

and, to the people that say that i waste time "finding" a "lost" item ... i answer ... that along the way, i discover and "uncover" a lot more than i "lose" !!!!!

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