Thursday, January 29, 2009

Danielle Miller Jewelry

This week's featured member is Danielle Miller of Danielle Miller Jewelry. She is an outstanding artist who has been a recognizable figure in metalsmithing circles for some time. Miller brings a wealth of knowledge to our group, and is an incredible artist!

1. Where do you live, and where are you from?
I was born and raised in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. At 18 I moved to Philadelphia to attend college. I lived there for 13 years before moving to Greenville, SC...which is where I now make my home.

2. How did you get started working with metal?
I made my first piece of jewelry 20 years ago in high school art class...But I HATED it! I despised the tedious work of sawing and filing. My teacher wouldn't let us solder, so I missed out on all the fun! But, while at a high school summer art program, I had the opportunity to make a large-scale welded steel sculpture. Metal + Hammer + Fire = LOVE! I attended Moore College of Art and Design, expecting to concentrate my studies in sculpture but became entranced by jewelry making. I transfered to Tyler School of Art/Temple University for their renowned Jewelry/Metals Department where I received a bachelor’s degree in fine art in 1993. I've been making jewelry ever since...started my business in 1995 while working for a master goldsmith and went to work full-time for myself in 1998.

3. What are a few of your favorite pieces at the moment?
My Mod Rocker Ring (below) and my Effervescence Necklace (pictured above) are definitely two of my favorite pieces.

I am also really excited about some new items I've been working on which incorporate forged wire with my usual crisp geometric forms...many of these are still in the designing stage.

4. What inspires you (artists, objects, interests)?
I draw most of my inspiration from architecture, machines and plant life. I tend to break things down into simple geometric shapes, line and negative space then build my designs modularly. Movement is also very important to me...I like to incorporate kinetic elements into these structured pieces to add unexpected fluidity and movement. Two of my favorite jewelry designers are Frederick Becker ("the Inventor of Kinetic Jewelry") and Michael Zobel (the Master of the Contemporary Movement in Jewelry").

5. Do you have any other artistic interests?
When time permits (which isn't often enough), I love to work on larger scale metalsmithed pieces...vases, bowls, containers, etc. I also enjoy dabbling in graphic design and photography.

You can find more of Danielle Miller's work in her Etsy Shop and on her flickr!

1 comment:

Sherwin said...

Hello, nice blog!

Would you like to exchange links?

Here are my blog info:

TITLE: Metal Industry Blog

Email me at if you are interested.

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