Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekly Review: Manufactured Landscapes

Recently recommended by a fellow Etsy Metal artist, Manufactured Landscapes is a documentary on the world and work of Edward Burtynsky, a renowned artist. Known for his large scale photographs of 'manufactured landscapes' such as quarries, recycling yards, quarries, etc., Burtynsky creates beautiful works of art from the debris of civilization.

Much of the film is about the work Burtynsky did in China documenting it's industrial revolution--part of which shows Chinese workers reclaiming precious metals from old computer parts. Such processes are very toxic and detrimental to the health of individuals, towns, and the environment, and gives a different take on what exactly goes into recycling in various parts of the world.

You can read more about the movie at the Zeitgeist Films website, as well as a Review from the NY Times.

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