Friday, September 12, 2008

Bloom Studios

Christine, of Bloom Studios, makes amazing work reminiscent of nature. Inspired by the beauty and harmony of nature, she uses sterling silver, gold, and gorgeous stones to create her very unique jewelry.

1. Where do you live, and where are you from?

I was born and raised for much of my life in South Bend, Indiana. I moved away after college to Hawaii for many years and ironically moved back to South Bend after the birth of my first child.

2. How did you get started working with metal?

As as teen I loved to bead and was very creative. I guess I always had the sense that I was meant to do something artistic, despite the urging of my mother to enter a "practical field". I had wanted to work with metal for years, but metalsmithing wasn't something taught locally.

After my second child was born, I began to stay home. My life revolved around family and taking care of them and I sort of lost my creative time. I began to realize that this was essential to my happiness and began to check out our local museum for art classes. I found an introductory metalsmithing class and the rest is history.

3. What are a few of your favorite pieces at the moment?

I have fallen in love with chocolate diamonds! It is the perfect way to get your chocolate and have no guilt! My personal favorite pieces are my Champagne Kisses Ring Set, my Gold and Chocolate Ring, and The Infinite Necklace.

4. What inspires you (artists, objects, interests)?

I am very aware of my environment and sense of well-being. I believe that this awareness flows through my work. I love balance and harmony. I enjoy mixing the dark earthy tones obtained in layering patina on silver and the bright glow of gold. I love to highlight the particular color of a gem in this way to really bring attention to all of it's beauty. I also enjoy mixing textures of metal as well and finding that harmony in a piece.

I believe that my time in Hawaii has influenced my work as well. I love the colors of the sun and sea, of the rainforest and rich earth. I love subtle inperfection that are so random in nature.

I would say that Nava Zahavi's jewelry was a strong influence on me really pursue metalsmithing and jewelry design. I love the raw elegance and exotic influences seen in her work.

5. Do you have any other artistic interests?

Although my focus and love is primarily working with metal, from time to time this gets a little hectic with deadlines and orders. To destress and do something creative not related to jewelry, I will take a pottery class.

Drawing was my first love. Although I don't use this in my creative process, I love to draw! I also enjoy making mosaic art occassionally and I love architecture and interior design.

You can find more of Christine's work in her Etsy Shop.

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