Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beth Cyr Jewelry

Beth Cyr creates wonderful organic jewelry from silver, gold, stones, and pearls. Her work can be found in her Etsy Shop, as well as on Flickr. Here she divulges her roots and inspirations...enjoy!

1. Where do you live, and where are you from?

I live in Athens, GA and have been here for 9 years. Which is almost the longest I've been anywhere! I was born in CT, but moved when I was little. I grew up in a little town called Palmerdale, Alabama - we had a pond and woods to play in and I think is largely responsible for my love of nature. When I was a teenager I moved to northwest GA.

2. How did you get started working with metal?

I actually didn't start working with metal until I was in college here at the University of Georgia. That was in 2000 and I started as a jewelry and metals major in 2001 and graduated in 2003.

3. What are a few of your favorite pieces at the moment?

My most recent favorites have been sold already. One set of rings was a commission, but they were so lovely I hope to make more!

And this dandelion pendant too! I usually try to do a random pattern, but a few were kind of stuck together in this fan shape, so I went with it and loved how it turned out.

This ring hasn't been made for sale yet and I think will just end up being the place holder for a custom order piece. I made it my size so I think it just wants to stay with me.

4. What inspires you (artists, objects, interests)?

I feel like I am inspired by everything! I've been doing a lot of custom work recently, so I'm finding that my customers are inspired by my work and in turn give me something new to work with. Its kind of fun to be given a new project - and the time to work on it! I've had customers send me a stone to set, some leaves or other natural material, and right now I'm waiting on items from a gal who wants Coney Island themed wedding bands! I'm excited for the package of sand and shells and driftwood.
Overall, I would have to say most of my work has some base in nature, plants and trees tend to be my favorites. If I'm working with stones, I try to just be inspired by the stone, either the pattern, color or shape of it. When I have a chance to just make something, I like being inspired by the materials, different scraps of metal often give me an idea. Occasionally architecture finds its way in, but old ancient forms, not so much modern clean lines.

5. Do you have any other artistic interests?

I have many other artistic interests, but not always the time to do them. I do some screen printing, painting, photography and ceramics. I even drove to Washington DC to pick up a kick wheel, though it now sits unused. One day I'd love a huge studio that I could have separate areas for all my other 'hobbies'.

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