Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tangerine Tree House


Today we are featuring Tangerine Tree House, run by Laura Crawford of Long Beach, California. Her work is intriguing and exciting, enticing the wearer and viewer to think deeper and with imagination.

1. Where do you live, and where are you from?
Currently, I live in Long Beach, California. I was born and raised in Oregon, however, and hope to move back there one day.

2. How did you get started working with metal?
When I was a kid, my mom taught me how to make simple beaded earrings and necklaces. It was a great hobby, and I continued working with beads for many years (even selling a few of my creations).

Curious Chains

In 2003, I burned out on the simplicity of stringing beads and, in January 2004, I enrolled in my first metalsmithing class at Long Beach City College. I took night classes after work for a year and a half and slowly gained all of those vital new skills.

3. What are a few of your favorite pieces at the moment?
My favorite pieces are the ones that I feel really embody the push and pull between nature and our modern lives. Like the pendants “Window” and “Metaphor” and “Along the Way”. I’m also working on some new cuff bracelets that I’m really excited about.



Along The Way

4. What inspires you (artists, objects, interests)?
My biggest inspiration is nature. I find it fascinating how plants can grow through cracks in the sidewalk or take over an abandoned gas station. Nature is so much a part of our daily lives. But for those of us who live in the city, it’s a really muted part, and I love being able to elevate that often-ignored greenery.


I’m also inspired by artists like Alexander Calder and Claire Falkenstein, for the way they were able to form metal with a sense of whimsy and play.

5. Do you have any other artistic interests?
Does bicycling count? My biggest interest these days, after jewelry, is bicycle touring. It’s like backpacking, only you ride a bike instead of walk, and it’s a really great way to explore an area. It may not really be artistic, but it definitely provides inspiration for my work.


To view more of Laura's amazing jewelry, check out her Etsy Shop, Website, and Blog!

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