Thursday, July 31, 2008

In the Studio with themusesjewels

1.) tell us about your studio. how long have you been there? where is it? (in your home, arts center, store, etc.. and city)

My studio is in my apartment, here in Montreal. I've been here about 4 years, and it's mutated a lot in that time...It was originally in the closet of my bedroom (a wee bit cramped, not to mention a serious fire hazard...), but I've now taken over the entire dining room (we never used it anyway...).

my mess
Originally uploaded by themuses

2.) what is your favorite tool you have? why?

Hmmm...It's hard to choose just one. I have quite the love affair going on with them all. I guess if I had to pick one that I'd have a really hard time working without, it would be my flex shaft.

Originally uploaded by themuses

3.) what do you listen to or do while working? music, news, or nothing - i'm concentrating!

I often listen to the CBC (Canadian public radio), or a huge and eclectic variety of music. Lately I've been listening a lot to some works in progress I've been writing for some musical projects I'm involved in...multi-tasking, really.

studio - music
Originally uploaded by themuses

4.) what time of day is your favorite to work?

I like to get administrative and shipping duties done with coffee early in the morning, and my favourite time to create jewels is in the evening, when the temperature cools, and my studio is darker. I prefer to solder in a darker environment, as it makes seeing the colour changes in the metal easier.

Administration zone
Originally uploaded by themuses

5.) do you have an inspiration bulletin board or something else that you keeps you inspired? do you have a picture of it?

Oh yes...there's stuff all over my walls and my studio...I have a 'motivation shelf' with a book by the awesome and inimitable Tammy Forsythe , and a photo of Patti Smith, sitting under graffiti that reads 'Vive l'Anarchie'. Those two ladies keep me honest...
I also have a couple of bulletin boards on which I stick random clippings, photos, etc., of things I like. (see 'inspiration' and 'inspiration 2' photos on Flickr)

Inspiration 2
Originally uploaded by themuses

6.) can we get a little sneak peek of what you're working on right now?'s pretty much all in my head, and only becomes reality when I actually put fire to metal, but here's a shot of a page from my sketchbook (see 'Sneak peek' photo on Flickr). I've just gotten my hands on a whole bunch of cross agates for my Scarred Sacred series, and have mostly been working on those lately...

Sneak peek
Originally uploaded by themuses

Thanks Norsola!! Make sure to check out her flickr and of course her jewelry on Etsy!

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