Tuesday, July 1, 2008

In the studio with Nina Dinoff

This week's in the studio post is with Nina Dinoff! I am a huge fan of her work. She has two shops on etsy, ninadinoff and swizzlet.

1.) tell us about your studio. how long have you been there? where is it? (in your home, arts center, store, etc.. and city)
I rent a studio about 8 blocks from my house in a commercial building in boerum hill brooklyn. its about 500 sf that is sectioned off from a larger studio that we rent from an artist. there are two live/ work lofts in the building, the painter we rent from, and us. downstairs is a woodworking company and a sanitation removal company! i share my space with two other jewelers: paul deblassie and martha coté, both of whom are awesome and now friends. though sadly, neither one of them is there often when i am. whitney punch!

hammering station

rolling mill

2.) what is your favorite tool you have? why?
wow that is a hard one. i guess i would probably have to go for the mini torch. i love balling wire, what can i say!
3.) what do you listen to or do while working? music, news, or nothing- i'm conentrating!
i am pretty much an npr addict. i have it on from when i get up in the morning until about 4. after that i listen to itunes... mostly a mix of indie rock, old rock, punk, some country and blues. some random other stuff.
4.) what time of day is your favorite to work?
i guess i prefer working in the daytime as opposed to night. i try to get there as early as possible but it usually ends up being around noon.
5.) do you have an inspiration bulletin board or something else that you keeps you inspired? do you have a picture of it?
most of my inspiration is up on the wall in my "office" area at home. i also work from home freelance so i sort of have two studios in a way. i do have some things on the wall in the studio, but mostly its just a big mess!
6.) can we get a little sneak peek of what you're working on right now?

definitely! ive been working on this sequin series and am about to finish a necklace that is going to be really great, i think. very substantial.

And here's some swizzlets in progress.

Thank you so much, Nina! Check out Nina's flickr for more photos!

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