Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In the Studio with Kathryn Riechert

This week we're getting a look into Kathryn Reichert's studio! I have to say that I'm totally in love with her studio. It's huge! And she has so many fun tools. I am seriously jealous. :-)

1.) tell us about your studio. how long have you been there? where is it? (in your home, arts center, store, etc.. and city)My studio is in my house and was my number one priority when we were house shopping. I'm lucky enough to have a husband who didn't mind giving me the largest room for my jewelry :-)

2.) what is your favorite tool you have? why?

That would have to be my stamps and chasing hammers, because they are used so often. I really enjoy coming up with new ways to incorporate them into my work and would be lost without them. After that is my Little Torch.

3.) what do you listen to or do while working?

Usually have a tv on for background noise (most often tuned to TBS, Discovery, or Comedy Central) but if there is nothing good to listen to on tv, I'll listen to some of my cds. Every now and then I contemplate what it would be like if I spent an entire week in my studio (minus eating and sleeping!) without any noise, just me and my tools...It's an experiment that I plan to act out sometime in the future.

4.) what time of day is your favorite to work?

I like mornings best. I'll have caffeine from my coffee kicking in, lots of sunlight, and a whole day to whittle away at :-)

5.) do you have an inspiration bulletin board or something else that you keeps you inspired?

I tend to use my sketch books for inspiration. I also have a lot of little experiments scattered about and will sometimes look through them to get ideas.
(this picture has nothing to do with the question, but it makes me laugh!)

6.) can we get a little sneak peek of what you're working on right now?
I was inspired by some etsymetal members to do some water casting and have been obsessed with it for the last week! I have several new designs in progress and have been constantly making new castings to use.

Thank you, Kathryn! What a fantastic space! Be sure to check out Kathryn's etsy shop and her Flickr!

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