Thursday, November 29, 2007


Originally uploaded by AlphabettiSpaghetti
I remember back when Kathryn (KathrynRiechert) was talking about adding a cat to her family, how we were all so excited to see her new cat Maya (who is now somewhat of an Etsy celebrity- you can read about her on the Storque.) The pictures of her on flickr just amaze me- she's such a graceful animal, but with a sense of humor too.

One of the great things about Etsymetal is that we love sharing our work with each other- in addition to a charm swap this year, we're having a Secret Santa (minus the secret part!) The first to ship her gift was Wendy Humphrey, alphabettispaghetti on Etsy, (also our featured member for December,) and when Kathryn received it she couldn't resist opening it and posting it immediately- a perfect little Maya in pendant form, made to look like this photo. It's set a high standard for those of us who have yet to make and ship our gifts!

1 comment:

Victoria Takahashi said...

Wendy did an amazing job. This pendant is so sweeet! And yes, we all love this kitty too!

Now I better go and start my secret santa gift!

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