Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 2013 ~ Jewelry Challenge ~ "Fall Tradition"

The EtsyMetal Team Jewelry challenge this month is "Fall Tradition". Our team member participants were challenged to create a piece using their own interpretation of the theme. Your comments and questions are always welcomed.
Enjoy these beautiful creations!
I'm originally from Ohio, and the changing color of the leaves is ingrained in my brain, especially because it's just not quite the same in California. Not quite a tradition, but something you could count on every fall.

Cascading Leaf sterling silver necklace

Fall is my favorite time of the year walking through the woods. Seeing the trees and leaves slowly change is beautiful. I wanted to capture that by using a mix of metals and this Rutilated quartz crystal stone.
I live in Florida, fall is when we really spend time outdoors, the time to enjoy the cooler weather in our little cozy backyard, good company, a glass of wine, watching the wood burning in the fire pit. Here's the fire:
Nothing like a hot cup of tea, or spiced apple cider, on a crisp autumn evening...


Laura Bracken said...

Beautiful creations! Totally in love with those first (colorful) leaves!

Cari-Jane Hakes said...

oh oh oh how fabulous is the tea diffuser!!!

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