Friday, November 29, 2013

Members' News for the Month of December

Happy Holidays to every one!  There are a few places this month where you can visit the friendly folks of the Etsy Metal team in person.  We hope you drop by and say "hi" and look at our exceptionally well crafted jewelry and metalwork.

2Roses is pleased to announce their newest Wedding Ring Experience location in Denver, Colorado. A Wedding Ring Experience Master Jewelers guide couples through the process of making each others wedding rings with their own hands. 12 locations across the US and two in Europe. Http:// for more information.

Shannon of rubygirl will be vending at Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle, WA on December 7th and 8th and at Crafty Wonderland in Portland, OR on December 16th and 17th.

Brooch by L. Sue Szabo

L. Sue Szabo will be having a trunk show of her work at Hudson Gallery in Sylvania OH. as part of that city's Holiday Art Walk. It is Friday Dec 6, 5-8 pm, and Sat Dec 7 11 am-3 pm.

Hope to see you at one of our upcoming events.  Have a safe and wonderful hand made holiday!


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