Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2013 ~ Jewelry Challenge ~ "Romance"

The EtsyMetal Team Jewelry Challenge theme this month:


 Our EtsyMetal Team participants have entered a handmade piece of jewelry using their own interpretation of the theme! 
The Romance Of Pearls
Romantic Scroll/Love~Note
Pense de moy was inspired by the book "Medieval Jewelry" by Marian Campbell. A major theme was gift giving, where men and women exchanged love tokens. This was frequently expressed with inscriptions, most commonly in French, particularly on rings and brooches. This piece is patterned after the ring-brooches which commonly fastened tunics. I have stamped 'pense de moy' which means 'think of me.'
Sterling Silver with patina and Ruby beads... They celebrate the desire everyone has to be loved and to love...

Love Note
Etched cuff that is a love letter written in 1897 from Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas

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