Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Members' News for the Month of September

Hi Folks!  It's the end of August so it must be time for the monthly Members' News feature (where did the summer go??).  Here's what the Etsy Metal team members are up to in September-

For the annual open studios event at Bath Artists' Studios in Bath, England Su Trindle of Quercus Silver will be opening her workshop, giving demonstrations and showing some of her work. 14 & 15 September; 11am - 5pm. Private view 13th September 6 - 9pm.  Here's her work below-

 Theresa Kwong of TK Metal Arts has work featured in the September issue, Medium Focus: Metals, of The Crafts Report magazine.

Danielle Miller Jewelry will be participating in Indie Craft Parade in Greenville, SC from September 6-8.

2Roses will be demonstrating metal techniques for polymer clay at the Metal Arts Society of Southern California's annual Demo Day, Sept 8 at Long Beach City College.

2Roses will also be participating in the Member September Sale sponsored by the Bead Society of Southern California, Sept 28th at the Bowers Museum, Santa Ana CA.

Well, that's the happenings around town this month.  See you in the fall!

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