Thursday, June 27, 2013

Members' News for the month of July

Well, summer's in full swing and we all must be busy doing summer stuff.  I don't have a lot to report on this month.  Here's the news-

L. Sue Szabo will be exhibiting 2 works at the 14th biennial international enameling exhibit, Alchemy 2, at The Carnegie Museum in Covington, KY. The exhibit is 7/15-8/23, 2013. click here for the link and to order a catalogue.

L. Sue Szabo also has 2 works featured in the new book "New Earrings" by Nicolas Estrada, published by Thames and Hudson. This was just released and available at Amazon by clicking on the link.

L. Sue Szabo will be showing her work at a one day juried art fair, Art on the Mall, on Sunday July 28th at the University of Toledo. 

Sue also won 2 prizes recently.  She won 1st place at the recent Maple and Main craft fair and also the Larry Skylar prize in metals at the recent Michigan Silversmiths' Biennial show.

Miranda Scott of House on Hudson, will be teaching the summer session of "Silversmithing 1 and 2" at the City Arts Centre in Edmonton, beginning July 11th.



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