Monday, November 16, 2009

EMJC-PR6-Part 1-Monday "Meet the Designers"

Hi ya' all! Our EMJC-PR6 challenge is wrapping up with interviews from the participants. We wanted to take all this week before the "Finale Part 2 Mini Collection Launch" to meet our fabulous designers on this project!
Please check back every day until our Finale!
"So Meet our Designers!"

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.

1-How has this experience enhanced the way you create?
Being primarily self-taught, I never had student assignments or projects to complete. I typically decide on my project and then I do it. It was fun to have an outside perspective to direct my projects. There were challenges that were very different from what I would do on my own and these helped me stretch in new ways. When I worked on these projects I would feel a jolt of excitement and pure joy and that in turn breathed new life into my other work and obligations. I have always been very reluctant to take risks in my pieces, because I feel a lot of pressure to keep them saleable. These challenges gave me the ability to take risks, which in turn allowed me to make the pieces that I want to make.

2-What have you gained from participating in the EMJC’s?
Participating in these weekly challenges has helped me to challenge my current technical level and to inspire me to create outside my normal parameters. I have also learned new things about myself in this process. I feel that my work has grown to a new level.

3-What was your most favorite piece you made and why?
I have many favorite pieces from this past season, but if pressed I would have to say that the Getty piece inspired by a Roman bracelet from 400-300 A.D. is my favorite. It challenged my technical ability the most. I am pleased with how the cuff fits the wrist, being more a “D” shape rather a circle or an oval. I dreaded making all the bezels, but in the end I always like setting the stones, so being able to set all the stones made making all the bezels worth it.

4-What was the hardest challenge for you and why?
The paper challenge was by far the hardest for me. I really struggled with the limitations of paper to make a lasting and endurable piece. I also didn’t anticipate enough time to allow the paper to dry!

5-Will we see you again next season?
Yes, you will see me again! I cannot wait until next season!

Mississippi, USA.

1-How has this experience enhanced the way you create?
to begin with, i started the project runway challenges as a way to force myself back into the studio after my second child. i had little inspiration and even less time to create, but the challenges forced me to work within a deadline. and each challenge that i was able to complete pushed me out of my comfort zone. i created things that utilized more skill and more techniques than i had previously allowed myself to use. creating things completly different from what i have previously designed and on a schedule has helped me to maximize the time i have available to make fun, new pieces in my hectic life.

2-What have you gained from participating in the EMJC’s?
most simply - a sense of accomplishment.

3-What was your most favorite piece you made and why?
i would have to go with my wanderer cocktail ring which was created for the select a movie genre and create a costume for a character. the piece really pushed me as far as my construction skills are involved. the piece is also the inspiration for several new lines that i am currently working on.

4-What was the hardest challenge for you and why?
the hardest challenge was not any that i was actually able to
complete. the hardest challenge for me was envisioning a piece for a
challenge and not having the time to 'make it work.' i had pieces
designed for both the customator and the getty challenges that haven't
made it into finished products.

5-Will we see you again next season?
definitely!i hope to be a more regular participant next season.

Savannah, Georgia, USA.

1-How has this experience enhanced the way you create?
The challenges pushed me out of my comfort zone and gave me permission to spend long amounts of time working one piece. I've rediscovered my love of one-of-a-kinds, and I have a lot ideas for collections inspired by some of the challenges.

2-What have you gained from participating in the EMJC’s?
I've expanded my skills and have my sketch book going again! Some of the pieces I've made have received a lot of attention, and I plan to explore those ideas even more.

3-What was your most favorite piece you made and why?
My favorite piece would be the one from the last challenge (The Getty). I am a bit enthralled with my tiny stamps, and in making little enameled flowers. This piece incorporated both in a way that is new to me. It left me excited to make more pieces in this general direction.

4-What was the hardest challenge for you and why?
I was unable to complete 3 of the challenges due to time issues as I traveled about doing shows and teaching locally. So on one hand I could say those three were the hardest because I didn't get inspired enough to dive in and get them completed. On the other hand, if I only go by the challenges I did complete I would say the first challenge was the hardest. It was a very wide open challenge, as well as being the first challenge, both of which made it hard to know what was appropriate. Oh, and I also (stupidly) forgot that I had the enameled center to my piece in the kiln and left the room just long enough for it go horribly wrong...and um....I did that TWICE!!!!!

5-Will we see you again next season? But of course!
I loved participating and seeing what everyone was making. It can't come soon enough.

Memphis, Tennessee, USA.

1-How has this experience enhanced the way you create?
Participating in the challenges has helped me to work beyond my comfort zone and try new things. It's very liberating because I'm not concerned about marketability and am free to do anything I want. I finished many of my pieces early because they were more fun than my other responsibilities.

2-What have you gained from participating in the EMJC’s?
It's definitely spurred my creativity, and some of the pieces have given me ideas for new designs. I've gotten to know some of my talented EtsyMetal team mates better, seeing their wonderful pieces each week is so inspiring.

3-What was your most favorite piece you made and why?
Probably the spinning brass and silver ring. I love kinetic jewelry, and learned a lot from the experience of making it function. I had fun writing the story intro and making the little movie also.

4-What was the hardest challenge for you and why?
Definitely the sparkly piece with the big swarovski crystal, I'm still not very happy with that one. It was really outside the box for me, I'm just not drawn to bling.

5-Will we see you again next season?
YES! I love taking part! Thank you, Victoria, for all of your hard work on this project.
( "your welcome Tomi & thank you for participating!" )


Anonymous said...

I've so much enjoyed following this series and seeing how different artists interpreted each challenge. Thanks to all of you for sharing your gorgeous work.

Diana said...

Thank you so much for this post. I just added several more favorite sellers to my list.

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