Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Etsy Metal Finds

Its not quite fall yet here in Georgia. But it is coming and I am excited. Other places like Alaska - well, you are in full swing!

1. Oak Leaf Tile Magnet by lesperancetile
2. Alaska, Photograph by 3parisians
3. How Trees Celebrate by ShadedMemories
4. Autumn Leaves A Fallen Raku Bottle Vase by DASRAYpottery


Linda Ellett said...

Great feature! The photo is lovely and gets me longing for my favorite season!
Thank you so much for featuring my Oak Leaf magnet tile!!!!

Maureen Bz said... won't get below 100* here in Tucson until right before Halloween!
I miss my New Hampshire autumn..
but then, in Tucson we do have LOVELY winters!

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