Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tip: Branding 101 - plaster your logo everwhere!

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as "a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. Brand recognition and other reactions are created by the accumulation of experiences..."
Your logo is only one aspect of your brand. Despite that, you should include your logo on every piece of communication. Put it on your packaging, website, etsy banner, blog banner, business cards, postcards, letterhead, envelopes, invoices, print and blog ads, show signage, newsletters and so on…
My logo plastered! shipping label, business card, artist statement, letterhead, CD and press kit cover

One easy way to incorporate your logo onto mailing labels, promo stickers, CD labels, etc. is to use label making software. I use Avery DesignPro and I love it! It is Mac and PC compatible, allows you to import images (like your logo!), supports a large library of Avery products and is a free download! You can download DesignPro and other Avery software and templates here.
Thank you cards (Avery's small tent card template 5302)


Evie's Tool Emporium said...

Excellent advice! You never know who will see you!

Lynette said...

awesome info! Thanks danielle!

John Lyle said...

Utter tripe. Having your logo on things is NOT the answer. having a brand experience that is clearly differentiated and people want to remember and tell their friends about is far more effective than simply plastering logos all over the place.

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said...

good points, off to go read the newsletter article

MmeMagpie said...

Excellent advice, which I started implementing a few weeks ago. I even went so far as to order a makers mark for my jewelry.

Beth Cyr said...

Great advice Danielle :)

Though having your logo on as many things as possible isn't THE answer - like you said, it is one aspect to creating a brand. No need to miss out on potential customers recognizing your logo before they even know what you do. That UPS man just might recognize my logo some day when he's shopping for jewelry for his wife!

Danielle Miller-Gilliam said...

Thank you for your professional opinion. However, I think you misunderstood my post. Indeed, having your logo on things is NOT the answer to a successful business. Your product (handmade art and crafts in most of our readers cases) come FIRST! As I said, "your logo is only one aspect of your brand." I'm sure Coke had their recipe for their soda BEFORE their logo. But don't they also "plaster" their logo?

Jennifer said...

This is great! Thanks :)

annie said...

thanks danielle!
i make sure to have my logo on ANYTHING related to my business. just like a signature at the end of a letter. many people now even call me by my business name!

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