Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In the Studio with Noform Design

I've been super excited to this In the Studio post. Paul C. Phillips of Noform Design is a metalsmith living in Chicago. His work is so different from anyone else's in EtsyMetal and I was intrigued by how different his studio is from everyone else's.

1.) tell us about your studio. how long have you been there? where is it? (in your home, arts center, store, etc.. and city)

my studio is in the basement of the chicago 3 flat we live in. it's a great space. it's a typical chicago basement, so it's a little dark, a little damp, and could use some work, but it's perfect for what i do. we've lived here for about 2 1/2 years, but i moved my studio here about 2 years ago after my landlord offered the space free of rent. he's a retired dentist (in his late 80's) and enjoyed woodworking. he's allowed me to use his woodworking equipment since he doesn't use it much anymore. it's a pretty sweet deal. you can see from the photos that i'm not the tidiest, and cleaned up a bit to get it looking like the organized mess you see. but i know exactly where everything is...even the tools that have never been unpacked.

{overview and lathe}

{work table}

{work table}

{grinding room}

2.) what is your favorite tool you have? why?

it's a toss up really. my cnc mill is capable of so much that i have yet to try doing everything i want with it. my lathe appeals to my machinist side because of the hands on aspect. i really don't think i could have one without the other...but if forced, my cnc mill.

{cnc mill}

{mini lathe}

3.) what do you listen to or do while working? music, news, or nothing- i'm concentrating!

i would have to say all of the above. it all depends on the mood i'm in, and whether or not the metal gods are being good to me. if it's music, then i've got my ipod or computer playing my music. if it's the radio, npr. tv...occasionally. if i've got some silly band to bang out, then nothing, as it takes only 15-20 minutes.

4.) what time of day is your favorite to work?

anytime of day is good for me. when i'm able to work, however, is a completely different answer. being a stay at home dad, i usually only get nights and weekends to work on stuff, and then it's only the orders i get from the boutique i do custom work for. hopefully that will be changing soon.

5.) do you have an inspiration bulletin board or something else that you keeps you inspired? do you have a picture of it?

inspiration usually just happens for me. i don't think i've ever been stuck for an idea. i meet with people who want custom pieces all the time, and i usually have to come up with at least one design for them before the meeting is over.

6.) can we get a little sneak peek of what you're working on right now?

um, i have to make a 9mm wide brushed stainless steel domed band...anyone can find them online for far less than i charge, but i always get orders for bands. it's one of those bread and butter type things. i wouldn't want to bore anyone with a picture of it.
Thank you Paul! Go check out his etsy shop and website!

1 comment:

Dr.InSectus said...

this is a beautiful space, and I adore the work coming out of it!

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