Saturday, June 30, 2012

“What’s New”

Happy Saturday everyone !
Here I am again to show you our EtsyMetal team members new jewelry listing submited this week.

betsybensen                                            lsueszabo

jenlawlerdesigns                                  simplymega

Michele Grady Designs                      Erin Austin
Jane Font                                                  Mary Anne Karren

LivelyHood                                            LunasaDesigns

 citizenobjects                                        lichen and lychee

sudlow                                                      Cynthia Del Giudice

Visit our members shop and support our creation.
Have a wonderful weekend and visit us next Saturday with more beautiful new jewelry.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Members' News for the month of July

Well, it sure seems the summer is flying by and many of us on the Etsy Metal team have been busy.  Here's some of the things that we are doing next month.

Shannon Conrad of rubygirl will be at Urban Craft Uprising in Seattle, WA on July 7th and 8th

 Danielle Miller will be at the Central PA Festival of Arts, in State College, PA from July 12 - 15, 2012

 Inbar Bareket  is opening an open studio in center Herzliya, Israel.

LSueSzabo will be participating in the one day show Art on the Mall at the University of Toledo on Sunday, July 29 from 10-5

2Roses  is featured in an exhibit at the San Diego County Fair.

Su of Quercus Silver is graduating with an Advanced Diploma in Design and Craft from Bath City College. You can see Images of her course work on Flickr.  Big congrats Su!

Project 4 floating brooch

 We have several members of the Etsy Metal team participating in an upcoming show at Facere Gallery.  Here's the lowdown-
Three x Two 2012.
This juried show is a collaborative effort between ISGB and metalsmiths from the Seattle Metals Guild. Glass beadmakers were invited to create three similar focal beads which metalsmiths then incorporated into pendants, rings or brooches. The exhibit celebrates the infinite design possibilities from the intersection of glass and metal artists, makers coming together in the traditions and contemporary possibilities of these wonderful art forms.

July 24-28, 2012
*Artist reception Friday. July 27th 2012
Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery
City Centre, 1420 Fifth Ave.
Seattle, WA

 The Etsy Metal artists participating in this show are Victoria Takahashi of Experimetal and Chuck Domitrovich of DowntotheWireDesigns, Shirlee Grund of Lichen and Lychee, and Sarah Hood.   Here are their stunning entries.  Wow!

garden gate (3x2 w/ rosemary)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

“what’s New”

Hello again,
This week was just flying away and here I am again with new post of “What’s new” in our shops.
We on etsyMetal team set our mission to support each other as independent artists and Etsy as a platform for selling quality handmade goods.
The EtsyMetal mark is your assurance of hand made craftsmanship, quality, and that the artist follows ethical trade practices.

sueszabo                                                    betsybensen

silentgoddess                                          LivelyHood

Cynthia Del Giudice                              tkmetalarts

JenLawlerDesigns                                 Art By Winona

Juju By Sarah                                         Michele Grady Designs

simplyMegA                                           Inbar Bareket

e5jewelry                                                  victoria takahashi/experimetal

citizenobjects                                         Rebecca Bogan

2Roses                                                       e5jewelry

victoria takahashi/experimetal     rubygirl

That’s it for today.
I’ll be here next Saturday with more new jewelry made by EtsyMetal team members.
Have a wonderful weekend,

Friday, June 15, 2012

EtsyMetal Blog Carnival June 4, 2012

Welcome to our EtsyMetal monthly Blog Carnival!

Blog Carnival is about a group of our members sharing their experience on a common topic
This month's Topic: "A Picture Tells A Thousand Words"
Read and see what some of our members have come up with! We aren't using any words but you are welcome to inquire about the photographs in the comments section. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Charm Swap 10

Good morning!  We have an update for our charm swap!
Michele says, "I already mentioned a few weeks ago I was going to attempt to do a smaller version of my new "patchwork" pieces for my charms. My charms will be similar to the 2 smaller pieces that are on each end of this necklace.... if all goes well. It is pretty time consuming to do with all the roll printing, cutting, piecing together and soldering so as long as I get started soon I should have plenty of time to get them done by the deadline. Here's hoping I don't procrastinate this time around!"
It looks so amazing, what a great idea!

Friday, June 8, 2012

“What’s New”

Hello and welcome to our weekly report on “What’s New” in our shops.

silentgoddess                                          Rebecca Bogan

TK Metal Arts                                        lsueszabo

 Cynthia Del Giudice                             Nina Gibson Designs

Gracebourne                                          Juju By Sarah

betsybensen                                           Michele Grady Designs

LivelyHood                                             victoria takahashi/experimetal


I will be back again next Saturday with more new jewelry made by our members.
Etsy Metal team is juried group with very high standards of hand made jewelry.
Thank you for watching !
Have a great weekend,
